Customers Worldwide


Below are just a few of our customers who sent
us pictures, and give their impressions...

Shawn Davis - California, USA

Shawn Davis with Doyle Bramhall II and at the 2013 Clapton Crossroads Festival at Madison Sq
YouTube video here


The Neck pickup tone Shawn was looking for was a neck wound just a little hot

   "I Like a deep smokey smooth low end but hotter thang"

The Bridge pickup tone Shawn was looking for was the Chris Squire tone (song: "America") and the Geddy Lee tone (when he used his Rick).

   "I Like a nice growly, trebly bridge pickup that will overdrive smoothly"


(quotes from Shawn's emails)...


Yur bridge combined with my (toaster) on my 76' 4001 is PERFECT!

The other neck PU you made is warmer than the new Ricky BS and goes nice with the stock bridge on my 03' 4003. It is a growly, bright, warm sparkle, you did it!

The bridge sounds like an original ricky, but a little better cause of the higher output, but it really has that Geddy Lee vibe, I call it "GWARBLE" growly sparkle goodness!

With the band "Revoltaire" (Rod Stewarts daughter Ruby) on the song "Harp On" I used the '76 black Ricky, with the original toaster and your Bridge pickup (chrome flat poles) and you put some "spank" on that pickup for me. I'm using mostly bridge pick up on the song, you can totally hear the growly bridge pickup

On the song "Cry Baby" by Nikka Costa (my main band), this song and the whole album ("Pebble to a Pearl") I used my 1999 black ricky 4003 with your neck pick up, this bass had flat wounds on it.

Here are links to the video clip of the making of that album: & normal rig is a 68 Sunn 200s with a (69) 2-15" Sunn cab, and my 71 Ampeg V-4B with my 2-15" Sunn cab or (71) 4-12" Fender cab, or 4-12" VOX cab. Sometimes I use a 8-10" Ampeg cab, and I have an old Acoustic 370 (1974)



Shawn's '76 4001

Shawn's 4003

Neck pickup relocated to 4001 place


Here's the two Ric's relaxing in a green-room before a show:


Thanks very much for the kind words Shawn, and keep rockin those Ricky's!.



Geir W. - Norway


Geir has a beautiful Ric, he installed one of my RB74B with a ~9k wind, black staggered poles in his lefty:


   (from Geir's email)...

   Really nice high quality work, looks good, sounds great... I like the look of your vintage pickups."



Jeff Mills - N. Carolina, USA


Jeff built this very cool fretless bass, a semi-hollow Poplar body with removable hard-rock maple neck:

Jeff wanted to incorporate a definate Rick vibe into this instrument and comissioned me to built him some custom "T" style pickups.

A sharp eye might notice the pickup covers/backplates are attached using what is normally the (center) mounting screw holes, which was done according to Jeff's build-plan.

   (from Jeff's email)...

   WOW is about all I can say - I can go from clean, crisp and whimsy to dark, muffed and heavy and all points in between - all your pups have plenty of output... freaking amazing Brad, you out did yourself. They are much more than I expected - I am completely satisfied. Thanks again for the AWESOME pickups... -Jeff



Makoto A. - Japan


Makoto installed a set of my pickups in his nice 4003, note that Makoto uses the tubeampology custom bezel on the bridge pickup:

(from Makoto email)...

All I have to say is just “Perfect”! sounds great, looks great, cheaper than OEMs… Thanks!




Ken H. - MO, USA


Here's Ken's set of Classic Rick pickups installed in his 4003, Ken also uses the tubeampology custom bezel on the bridge pickup:


(from Ken's email)...

Your statement is true - more of the Ric tone. This is what a Rickenbacker should sound like. I'm a happy camper! the neck pickup fit perfectly without any filing...I am VERY glad to be your customer, I'm off to play my 'new' Ric... Keep up the excellent work!

   - Ken



John K. - CT, USA


John's set of Classic Rick pickups installed in his 4003, John also uses the tubeampology custom bezel on his bridge pickup. I really like the look of the tortoise-shell pickguard with the maple finish on Johns bass, IMHO it nicely ties together the rosewood fretboard and the maple body:

(from John's email)...

I have installed the pickups and can sum up my impression simply…
Prior to installing your pickups, my pet hamster had bigger balls than my Ric. That is far from the case now!
You are the Wizard of OZ and have just given my Rickenbacker the courage it has needed so badly. These pickups are incredible – this is the Ric sound I have been craving which the stock pickups just didn’t give.
Thank you very much for making a quality product. Feel free to use me as a reference if needed.

   - John

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!



Blain T. - CA, USA


Here's Blaine's set of Classic Rick pickups, Blaine's set had the Classic-T style neck pickup (removed his beauty plate) and his bridge pickup is using the tubeampology custom bezel:


(from Blaine's email)...

Hey Brad, I finally got the pickups installed and played on them for the first time last night at practice and WOW... I couldn't believe the difference...It was like hearing my rick again for the first time...There is such a clarity to those pups that I underestimated, deep lows, singing highs, all while maintaining that signature Rick growl! They were well worth the wait and I couldn't be happier with the outcome. Anyway just thought i'd drop a line and say thanks for your work.

   - Blaine



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